I took an English class here at BYUI in the winter that really changed my perspective about things, actually multiple classes I took that semester changed my perspective on a lot of things. But this class particularly I want to talk about. I read multiple essay's about the effect social media has on individuals and society. My last day of class I wrote this post on my blog, which I'm about to show you, because I felt it would be good for some people to read.
Disclaimer: this is just my opinion, this is not what we were taught in our class, we were taught to come up with our own opinions about the things we read. This is just mine.
In my final English class today we talked about mass media and how when people are in crowds they aren't themselves, also how this world is becoming a place where you don't live a private life anymore because everything is public.
We advertise how we are feeling, what we are wearing, where you are, what you're doing.
That kind of stuff.
I hardly posted on twitter to begin with but whilst reading twitter posts of the people I follow I noticed 90% (those aren't real statistics by the way, haha) most of the posts I was reading were people complaining, talking about all the negative parts of their life and their day. "A negative mind will never give you a positive life" The thing is half the people I followed I haven't spoken more than a couple words to them.
The people I actually want to stay in contact with are on my phone, and if I want to know how they are doing I'll text them or call them.
The people I actually want to stay in contact with are on my phone, and if I want to know how they are doing I'll text them or call them.
So I quit twitter.
Think about it, when you meet up with old friends how many stories about your life are you going to be able to tell?
I predict not many because we post everything as soon as it happens.
Chances are you won't tell that friend any exciting news because you already posted about it.
They already know.
They already know.
The next thing you know
We start to live and do things just so we can post about it.
So here is a challenge, you don't have to take it.
But fight that urge to post about what you're doing and make a few memories that only you and your friends or family know about, have stories to tell that are more than 140 characters long.
Feel free to leave your thoughts, I won't be offended.
Feel free to leave your thoughts, I won't be offended.
Well I personally totally agree with you! Sometimes I feel guilty because I am the worst at posting things on Facebook or instagram but there is no reason to feel guilty if someone wants to know whats going on in my life they can go ahead and ask and we can catch up! :)