Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Currently Tysen and I are in Coeur d'Alene enjoying our final days before school is up & running. During this stay of ours we got some really exciting news. The past year and a bit I have been in the process of getting my green card. It's been an extra long journey for us...very stressful. I gave my sister my mail key while we were away so that she could check my mail for me since I'm super impatient about waiting for stuff and I have to check every day.

On Monday I got my work/travel visa in the mail. YAY! I can finally leave the country, not that I'm planning on it anytime soon with school starting up, but it's nice to know that I'm able to. I can finally search for jobs anywhere in town rather than just on campus. That made job hunting very hard. So I spent the entire day after I got that news applying for 6 six jobs.

Then on Tuesday I got a letter in the mail specifying what day I have my interview to receive my green card. September 25th!!! Finally. It's really nice knowing a day rather than guessing.

Everything is finally coming together and I could not be happier. Also, I'm really excited for school to start. I am sure I'll regret saying those words but as of right now I'm ready to get rolling. Tysen and I went back to school clothes shopping yesterday...luckily it wasn't too difficult because all we have to wear this coming semester are scrubs. It's a dream come true for me because I really REALLY hate wearing jeans and I'm pretty sure Tysen feels the same. We're going to look so adorable in our matching scrubs. Don't you guys worry, I'll be sure to post a picture. is great. I have no complaints.

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